The COSMOS AND A CUPPA newsletter is for people like you who feel the tension of darkness and light in life and are curious about noticing wonder in the world: “the weight of glory” as C.S. Lewis puts it. 

This newsletter is for you if you’ve ever taken a deep breath at a sunset or the edge of the ocean—or cried in your car. It’s for you if you’ve ever felt scared of the future or asked if your feelings were too big. 

What if life isn’t a robotic wash, rinse, repeat cycle? What if God created stories and beauty and we’re whole humans with limitations and needs and feelings? What if this world is broken and beautiful?

What if the little things matter, living slow matters, making memories matters, thinking deep and big, and creating something (because we’re all made in the image of a Creator) matters?

So in this twice-monthly newsletter, this writer will be sharing some stories—the stories I wish other people had told me. You can expect essays, book recommendations, poems, and other bits of light we’ve found together on the internet. 

Madeleine L’Engle writes about creating cosmos out of chaos, and I believe we can do that every single day.

We create cosmos — harmony and order — when we believe that our world is both broken and beautiful, and that beauty points to Goodness with a capital G—Christ. 

If you love finding light and beauty in everyday life... if you're like me and NEED to anchor your heart daily on a loving and wise God... I'm so glad you're here. 

Whether you are dancing in the kitchen today or dwelling in a dark place, please join me in searching for light in the little things. 

No matter what questions you’re asking today, you are not insignificant. You are not alone, and you matter so much. 

If anything I write gives you courage for your journey, then it’s worth it.

Love ya. Mean it.

About the Writer

Caroline J. Williams is a copywriter and editor by day and a freelance writer by night. She lives in south Mississippi with her husband and two sons. When she is not embarking on adventures with her people, she can be found researching minimalism while buying plants (ironic) or sipping a dirty chai while doing her best to conquer a stack of books.

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discussing the good stuff--mental health, faith, beauty, and Goodness


A professional overthinker reminding me+you that life is worth celebrating in spite of darkness. Helping you create cosmos out of chaos by looking for the light in your daily life. Why? Because glimmers of eternity are closer than we think.